When you buy a new car or a used vehicle, you expect that it will work and get you where you need to go. Some people realize after purchasing a vehicle that it is in fact a lemon. It has something substantially wrong with it that the owner cannot easily repair....
Prevailing Through Endurance
Month: December 2021
Will a vehicle recall protect a manufacturer from all liability?
Defective components and design issues can affect how safe a specific vehicle model is. Although a lot of testing usually goes into a vehicle model before it reaches the stage of mass production and distribution, vehicles do go on the market with design issues that...
California lemon law: how to avoid buying a defective automobile
When you spend money on a new or used vehicle, you want the most value for your investment. However, many unscrupulous dealers in California are waiting to take advantage of those that need a vehicle. When dealers have a defective automobile on their lot, their top...