If your car is a lemon, the financial impact can be substantial. For one thing, you may have just purchased this vehicle and made a major investment. It may have cost tens of thousands of dollars, and you feel that you have been scammed out of that money because the...
Prevailing Through Endurance
Month: December 2022
2 common lemon law myths
You recently bought a car, but, after taking it off the lot, you found that there were defects that were not listed. It can be frustrating to find that a car you recently purchased isn’t usable, which can be frustrating if you have to drive it frequently, especially...
What to do when your car’s been recalled, but the fix isn’t ready
It can be frustrating, and in some cases frightening, to receive a recall notice on your vehicle that describes a problem but says that the necessary fix isn’t available yet or there aren’t enough new parts to repair all recalled vehicles. It’s one thing if it’s a...